“Born in Light” is the sequel of “Broken in Twilight” and thefinal part of the Lilith-trilogy. The Dutch version of“Born in Light” was published in April 2012.During Liliths quest for one of the older dragons, she finds morethan she has counted for. Ferhdessar - getting more and moreambitious - and Kasimirh continue their feud at the expense ofthe Merzian people. Lilith returns when their war reaches itsclimax. Nobody can foresee the far-reaching consequencesof her choice.TO FULFILL DREAMSNIGHTMARES HAVE TO BECOME REALITYReviews: "Lilith is a woman who,willing and unwillingly,teeters between good andbad. This is the greatstrength of this story,the realization that themain characters are notgood or bad, but inbetween sometimes tendfrom one to the otherside."Review NBD Biblion"Kim ten Tusscher createsa tension in Born in Lightthat is from the beginningclearly present. Thistension manifests itselfnot only on the success orfailure of actions, butalso in the main charactersLilith, Fehrdessar andKasimirh, and thethree of them. They are in aadditional way impressivelydescribed, this enables youto crawl in the skin of thecharacters."Review Fantasy WereldHOMEABOUT KIMCONTACT AND ORDERLINKSREVIEWSLILITH-TRAILERHUNTER'S PREY